
Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Anika Noni Rose - Heavy Soundtrack Lyrics

Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Anika Noni Rose – Heavy Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dreamgirls” Movie (2006) ]  Dreamgirls:
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy baby
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy on me Beyonce:
You used to be so light and free
You used to smile just looking at me
Now all you give is jealous hate
Come on daddy better lose some weight Dreamgirls:
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy baby
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy on me Announcer:
… present The Dreamgirls presenting their latest hit Heavy. Dreamgirls:
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy baby
Heavy, Heavy You got so heavy on me Beyonce:
You used to want, nothing from me
You used to say lets both be free
You used to dance instead of walk
You never had to talk,talk,talk Beyonce:
Heavy, Heavy (talk,talk,talk)
You got so heavy baby (talk,talk,talk)
Heavy, Heavy (talk,talk,talk)
Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy [Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Anika Noni Rose – Heavy Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dreamgirls Movie (2006)
Name "Dreamgirls" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Anika Noni Rose - Heavy Soundtrack Lyrics

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