
Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson - Patience Soundtrack Lyrics

Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson – Patience Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dreamgirls” Movie (2006) ]  -C.C.
I know you have questions
same ones as me
How long has it been?
How long will it be?
When will come the morning
to drive the night away?
Tell me when will come the morning
of a brighter day? (Chorus)
Patience, Little Sister
Patience, Little Brother
Patience, Patience
Take each other by the hand
Patience, Little Sisters
Patience, Little Brothers
Let us walk together
to the Promised Land -Jimmy
There’s a river to cross
And a mountain to climb
Patience, Patience
It’s gonna take some time
We must walk in Peace
We got to walk in Peace
It’s the only, only way
If we want to see that morning
Of a Brighter Day
Of a Brighter Day (Chorus)
Patience, Little Sister
Patience, Little Brother
Patience, Patience
We’re gonna find a way
Patience, Little Sisters
Patience, Little Brothers
Until that morning of a Brighter Day
Patience, Patience
‘Til that Brighter Day
Patience, Patience
‘Til that Brighter Day [Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson – Patience Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dreamgirls Movie (2006)
Name "Dreamgirls" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson - Patience Soundtrack Lyrics

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