
Fanfarlo - Harold T. Wilkins or How To Wait For A Very Long Time Soundtrack Lyrics

Fanfarlo – Harold T. Wilkins or How To Wait For A Very Long Time Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Going the Distance” Movie (2010) ]  You’ve been packing your bags for the tenth time
You’ve been up on the roof again
So you’re biding your time but it’s all right they’re coming any week now
Left behind by the mothership, they’re our only real friends
But inside, inside, you’ll always feel the same, even when you wake up
Even if you wake up In a town where everyone will kick and scream
And come to the same conclusion every time
Time to realize you were never on the team
There was always a question hanging over you
In a hot air balloon with a rusty nail
Looking over your shoulder and setting sail Your dreams will become part of the future and coincide with the past
You spend all your time by the radio waiting for the signal
But inside, inside, you’ll always feel the same, even when you wake up
Even if you wake up In a town where everyone will kick and scream
And come to the same conclusion every time
Time to realize you were never on the team
There was always a question hanging over you
In a hot air balloon with a rusty nail
Looking over your shoulder and setting sail (first stanza x3)
They drive the same road
They drive the same road
They drive the same road drifting over to your side They drive the same road
They drive the same road
They drive the same road turn the lights on again (x3)
They sail the same strait
They sail the same strait
They sail the same strait turn the lights on again [Fanfarlo – Harold T. Wilkins or How To Wait For A Very Long Time Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Going the Distance Movie (2010)
Name "Going the Distance" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Fanfarlo - Harold T. Wilkins or How To Wait For A Very Long Time Soundtrack Lyrics

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