
Oppenheimer - Breakfast In NYC Soundtrack Lyrics

Oppenheimer – Breakfast In NYC Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Gossip Girl 1” TV (2008) ]  Summers in your heart
But I know that you’re staying
Taking a ride but it feels like we’re paying
For the madness that occurred with a ticket to good times
Hunter promised this but he wasn’t ready For the first time
Standing with my friends in the bright light
Saw you going crazy on the dance floor
I’ve taken one already but I want more
This time I wanna feel it Breakfast in New York
And I know that we’re dreaming
Drunken conversations and the things we were scheming
To get out of this town and take a trip underground
How Paitment promised this but he wasn’t ready For the first time
Standing with my friends in the bright light
Saw you going crazy on the dance floor
I’ve taken one already but I want more
This time I’m going to feel it It was the first time
Standing with my friends in the bright light
Saw you going crazy on the dance floor
I’ve taken one already but I want more
This time I’m going to feel it [Oppenheimer – Breakfast In NYC Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Gossip Girl 1 TV (2008)
Name "Gossip Girl 1" TV (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Oppenheimer - Breakfast In NYC Soundtrack Lyrics

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