
The Specials - Monkey Man Soundtrack Lyrics

The Specials – Monkey Man Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “It’s Complicated” Movie (2009) ]  Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man
I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man It’s no lie, it’s no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man
It’s no lie, it’s no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man Now I know that, now I understand
You’re turning a monkey on me
Now I know that, now I understand
You’re turning a monkey on me Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man I was on my way to Banbury Cross,
Then I see a monkey upon a white horse
With rings on he fingers, bells on him toes
Sing a little song, wherever he be
‘Cos he’s a monkey, ‘cos he’s a monkey
‘Cos he’s a weedy little monkey man Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man [The Specials – Monkey Man Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category It's Complicated Movie (2009)
Name "It's Complicated" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Specials - Monkey Man Soundtrack Lyrics

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