
DJ Pauly D - Beat Dat Beat / It's Time To Soundtrack Lyrics

DJ Pauly D – Beat Dat Beat / It’s Time To Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Jersey Shore” TV (2010) ]  You’ll be nobodys tonight
being a guido is a way of life
it takes me 25 minutes to do my hair
im so fresh i got a tanning bed in my house
Im DJ Pauly D
im gonna have you fist pumping all night long
This is DJ Pauly D
Being a guido is a way of life
I dont represent all italians
i represent myself
I started this whole GTL shit
Gym, tan, and laundry.
You gotta stay fresh
yea its time to Beat dat beat up ( x 16 ) yo how come when im dj’ing there will be a hot ass girl but she got and ugly ass friend?
Come on man
i aint got no time for that
im only dealing with 9 and 10
not no 3 and 4
so if youre trying to get in my DJ booth and youre trying to come home with me
DJ Pauly D
Then you and your friends better come correct
There will be no grenades tonight It’s time to
beat dat beat up ( x 10 ) where my ladies at make some noise
where my fellas at cant forget my dogs
make some noise
when youre not in your seat
and youre rocking with Dj Pauly D
dat beat hits you, you need to fight back
so what i need you to do right now is get down real low and start tapping that ground
keep hittin it, keep hittin it
now work your way up
fight dat beat
now pump yo fists it’s time to
beat dat beat up ( x 32 ) it’s time to
it’s time to
we’re taking over the world [DJ Pauly D – Beat Dat Beat / It’s Time To Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Jersey Shore TV (2010)
Name "Jersey Shore" TV (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

DJ Pauly D - Beat Dat Beat / It's Time To Soundtrack Lyrics

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