
Marcus Goldhaber - A Walk Soundtrack Lyrics

Marcus Goldhaber – A Walk Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Going Down in La-La Land” Movie (2012) ]  Life may be golden, life may be grand,
You make the rules of the game.
When you are old and you don’t understand
Why nobody’s holdin’ your little hand,
Just take a deep breath and go for a walk. You may be gloomy when you’re alone
And there’s no kiss on your cheek.
When you are blue and you wanna go home
And sit in a room that you feel is your own,
Just take a deep breath and go for a walk. ‘Cause when you’re walkin’, your mind can clear out
All of those thoughts stuck in your head.
Everyone’s talkin’ ‘bout the troubles we face in the world.
Now life can be sweet, just follow your feet. Maybe one day we’ll all gather ‘round and
Change the rules of the game.
Hunger and AIDS would never be found
In a world without hate, what a beautiful sound.
Just take a deep breath and go for a walk. [Marcus Goldhaber – A Walk Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Going Down in La-La Land Movie (2012)
Name "Going Down in La-La Land" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Marcus Goldhaber - A Walk Soundtrack Lyrics

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