
Morning Runner - Burning Benches Soundtrack Lyrics

Morning Runner – Burning Benches Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Street Dance 2” Movie (2012) ]  Let us make amends,
We’re not overly good friends,
But its not heaven without you.
You can have it all,
We’ll see mountains fall,
But its not heaven without you. It’s the symphony distorting,
When were not talking,
But its not heaven, without you. There’s just something different,
With the air about you,
The signs, the shapes, the numbers,
None of them give me a clue
You can have it all And I’m not burning benches
Cos the ash would make me choke
It was me who always spluttered every time we spoke,
You can have it all [Morning Runner – Burning Benches Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Street Dance 2 Movie (2012)
Name "Street Dance 2" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Morning Runner - Burning Benches Soundtrack Lyrics

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