
Alice Ripley - The Break Soundtrack Lyrics

Alice Ripley – The Break Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Next To Normal” Musical (2009) ]  Diana:
They told me that the wiring was somehow all misfiring and screwing up the signals in my brain.
And then they told me chemistry, the juice and not the circuitry, was mixing up and making me insane.
What happens when the burn has healed when the skin has not regrown?
What happens when the cast, at last, comes off,
and then you find the break was always in another bone? (spoken: Dr. Madden:)
Relapse is very common, Diana.
It’s upsetting that the dilusional episodes have returned, but not entirely unexpected. Diana:
They tried a million meds and
They strapped me to their beds and
They shrugged and told me ‘that’s the way it goes.’
But finally you hit it!
I asked you just what did it.
You shrugged and said that no one really knows. What happens if the medicine wasn’t really in control?
What happens if the cut, the burn, the break was never in my brain,
or in my blood, but in my soul?
What happens if the cut, the burn, the break was never in my brain,
or in my blood, but in my soul? [Alice Ripley – The Break Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Next To Normal Musical (2009)
Name "Next To Normal" Musical (2009)

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Alice Ripley - The Break Soundtrack Lyrics

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