
Nightmare Alley (2021) Soundtrack

The soundtrack album list from Nightmare Alley, a 2021 movie, tracklist, listen to all the 20 full soundtrack songs, play 20 full OST music & trailer tracks.
Nightmare Alley official OST album tracklist, original motion picture score.

Original release date: 3 December 2021
Label: Hollywood Records

Original music composed by Nathan Johnson

1. Man or Beast 3:28
2. Storm’s a Comin’ 2:28
3. Zeena’s Spook Show 1:45
4. A Steady Job 4:36
5. The Face of God 2:58
6. Open Graves 1:29
7. Shoeflies 3:13
8. Molly’s Theme 1:08
9. Copa Spook Show 2:06
10. Stan Takes the Hook 2:19
11. Lilith’s Room 3:03
12. Molly, Are You Alright? 0:37
13. Reading Mrs. Kimball 2:40
14. The Take 1:36
15. Lie Detector 7:44
16. Time You Delivered 2:43
17. The Poison Apple 2:17
18. Grindle’s Ghost 7:13
19. Lilith’s Revenge 5:56
20. Theme from Nightmare Alley – Solo Piano 3:52

Listen to the full score songs from Nightmare Alley in a:
YouTube Playlist |
Deezer Playlist |
Spotify Playlist

Nightmare Alley Film information
Movie Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Release date (wide): 3 December 2021
Runtime: 2h 30m
Watch the trailer for Nightmare Alley

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Nightmare Alley (2021) Soundtrack