
Paul Simon - Rewrite Soundtrack Lyrics

Paul Simon – Rewrite Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “This Is 40” Movie (2012) ] I’m workin’ on my rewrite, that’s right
Gonna change the ending
Throw away the title
Toss it in the trash
Every minute after midnight
All the time I’m spending
Is just for workin’on my rewrite
Gonna turn it into cash I been workin’ at the Car Wash
I consider it my day job
‘Cause it’s really not a pay job
But that’s where I am
Everybody says “The old guy
Workin’at the Car Wash?”
Hasn’t got a brain cell left
Since Vietnam Chorus
But I say
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Thank you!
I’d no idea
That you were there When I said help me, help me
Help me, help me
Thank you
For listening to my prayer I’ll eliminate the pages
Where the father has a breakdown
And he has to leave the family
But he really meant no harm
Gonna substitute a car chase
And a race across the rooftops
Where the father saves the children
And he holds them in his arms Yeah I’m workin’on my rewrite, all right
Gonna change my ending
Throw away the title
Toss it in the trash
Every minute after midnight
All the Time I’m spending
Is just for workin’on my rewrite.
Gonna turn it into cash Chorus
I said
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Thank you!
I’d no idea
That you were there [Paul Simon – Rewrite Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category This Is 40 Movie (2012)
Name "This Is 40" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Paul Simon - Rewrite Soundtrack Lyrics

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