
Curtis Stigers and The Forest Rangers - John The Revelator Soundtrack Lyrics

Curtis Stigers and The Forest Rangers – John The Revelator Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Sons of Anarchy” TV (2011) ]  Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals You know God walked down in the cool of the day
Called Adam by his name
But he refused to answer
Because he’s naked and ashamed Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals You know Christ had twelve apostles
And three he led away
He said, “Watch with me one hour,
’till I go yonder and pray.” Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals Christ came on Easter morning
Mary and Martha came down to see
He said, “Go tell my disciples
To meet me in Galilee.” Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals You know God walked down in the cool of the day
Called Adam by his name
But he refused to answer
Because he’s naked and ashamed Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Tell me who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Who’s that writin’? John the Revelator
Wrote the book of the seven seals [Curtis Stigers and The Forest Rangers – John The Revelator Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Sons of Anarchy TV (2011)
Name "Sons of Anarchy" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Curtis Stigers and The Forest Rangers - John The Revelator Soundtrack Lyrics

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