
Stories We Tell Soundtrack List

Stories We Tell Soundtrack List – Documentary (2013) – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, song list of all of the songs played in the movie – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Stories We Tell Soundtrack Details:
Original Music composed by Jonathan Goldsmith Below you can view the complete Stories We Tell Soundtrack list, album tracklist: 1. Tranquility
2. Skinny Love Performed by Bon Iver
3. Horses! Horses! Horses!
4. Dancing
5. Tender, Sentimental Love
6. A Funeral Procession
7. The Light Fantastic Toe
8. The Gay 90s
9. Out Into the Storm
10. Ain’t Misbehavin Performed by Diane Buchan
11. Storm at Sea
12. Demon Host Performed by Timber Timbre
13. An Eighteenth Century Formal Ball
14. Ain’t Misbehavin Performed by Paul Weston and Jo Stafford Stories We Tell Film Information: Genre: Documentary
Release date: 17 May 2013 (USA)
Length: 108 minutes Director: Sarah Polley
Writer: Sarah Polley
Stars: John Buchan, Joanna Polley, Mark Polley Plot:
“A film that excavates layers of myth and memory to find the elusive truth at the core of a family of storytellers.” Below you can listen to some of the songs from the Stories We Tell Soundtrack: Skinny Love Performed by Bon Iver
Demon Host Performed by Timber Timbre

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Interested to know who wrote the songs? Have a look below:

1. Tranquility Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

2. Skinny Love Written by: Justin Deyarmond Edison Vernon

3. Horses! Horses! Horses! Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

4. Dancing Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

5. Tender, Sentimental Love Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

6. A Funeral Procession Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

7. The Light Fantastic Toe Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

8. The Gay 90s Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

9. Out Into the Storm Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

10. Ain't Misbehavin Written by Thomas "Fats" Waller, Harry Brooks and Andy Razaf

11. Storm at Sea Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

12. Demon Host Written by Taylor Kirk (SOCAN)

13. An Eighteenth Century Formal Ball Composed and recorded by Abraham Lass from PLAY ME A MOVIE (Folkways Records/AH 3856)

14. Ain't Misbehavin Written by Thomas "Fats" Waller, Harry Brooks and Andy Razaf

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  • Carole McGoldrick says:

    I was wondering if there was a song by the name of Kiss Me Again in the film The Stories we Tell?

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Stories We Tell Soundtrack List