
The Spill Canvas - Saved Soundtrack Lyrics

The Spill Canvas – Saved Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Superman Returns” Movie (2006) ]  I am unbreakable
but it looks like I could
sometime soon.
You are unreachable
about as possible as me touching the moon. I am unraveling unbearably empty
and if this ground gives way
I just hope that you catch me. You came and saved me tonight
Defending all my life
Now I’m content with my breathe
Cuz I’m alive. This is the epitome of everything
you see in the movies.
This world is a timebomb ticking and
I think that I could stop it if you help me. I am unraveling unbearably empty
and if this ground gives way
I just hope that you catch me. You came and saved me tonight
Defending all my life
Now I’m content with my breathe
Cuz I’m alive. My faith will never rust.
No longer prone to bust.
Oh, finally I believe. You came and saved me tonight
Defending all my life
Now I’m content with my breathe You came and saved me tonight
Defending all my life
Now I’m content with my breathe
Cuz I’m alive. Cuz I’m alive. [The Spill Canvas – Saved Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Superman Returns Movie (2006)
Name "Superman Returns" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Spill Canvas - Saved Soundtrack Lyrics

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