
The Bootleggers - Burnin' Hell Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Nick Cave)

The Bootleggers – Burnin’ Hell Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Nick Cave) [ from “Lawless” Movie (2012) ] Everybody talking about burnin’ hell,
It ain’t no heaven, it ain’t no burn at all.
When I die, when I go, go until
Everybody talking about burnin’ hell. Yeah, yeah. My momma told me and papa, too
Go tell ‘em judging, see Dick and Jules?
Yeah, Dick in Jules in, in a hundred out of suit,
I said Dick and Jules is in burning hell
Yeah, Dick and Jules, damn on your hear
Damn on your name and brand new name
And a hundred out of sume, damn on name
Dick and Jules playing with me. Everybody talking, burnin’ hell
There ain’t no heaven and there ain’t no burnin’ hell.
When I die, when I go, nobody tell, everybody talking about burnin’ hell. One, two, three, stop. [The Bootleggers – Burnin’ Hell Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Nick Cave)]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Lawless Movie (2012)
Name "Lawless" Movie (2012)

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The Bootleggers - Burnin' Hell Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Nick Cave)

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