
The Legend of Tarzan Soundtrack List

The soundtrack from The Legend of Tarzan, a 2016 Movie, track list, listen to full soundtrack, play sample OST music & trailer songs. View scene descriptions when the film plays at the cinema.
The Legend of Tarzan official score (OST) album tracklist Original release date:
Label: Original music composed by Rupert Gregson-Williams

1. Opar (with Zoe Mthiyane)
2. Diamonds
3. Togetherness
4. Steamer and Butterfly
5. Orphaned
6. Returning Home
7. Campfire
8. Tarzan and Jane
9. Village Ambush
10. Catching the Train
11. Rom’s Plan
12. Akut Fight
13. Elephants In The Night
14. Jane Escapes
15. Jungle Shooting
16. Kala’s Death
17. Where Was Your Honor?
18. Boma Port
19. Stampede
20. On The Boat
21. The Legend Of Tarzan
22. Better Love (Film Version) – Hozier

Listen to the full score songs from The Legend of Tarzan in a playlist

Song credits – Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie

1. Isikuti (Traditional) Arranged by Josh Ponte
2. Aye We Mae – Glacéia Adele Henderson
3. Baba Baba Shi Baba – (Traditional) Arranged by Josh Ponte
The Legend of Tarzan Film information
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release date in USA: 1 July 2016
Runtime: 1h 49min
Director: David Yates
Stars: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper, Christian Stevens
Watch the trailer for The Legend of Tarzan

Trailer songs (full tracks)
1. Axios - Nathan Lanier (Teaser Trailer )

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The scene descriptions are also available for each song, in the list, if you click on the icon.
Scene descriptions. The songs are in the order of apperance:

Better Love (Film Version) – Hozier

End credits song #1

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Soundtrack Information

Type Complete OST and Soundtrack

Movie Poster

The Legend of Tarzan Soundtrack List