
David Gray - My Oh My Soundtrack Lyrics

David Gray – My Oh My Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Way” Movie (2011) ]  What on earth is going on in my heart
Has it turned as cold as stone
Seems these days I don’t feel anything
Less it cuts me right down to the bone
What on earth is going on in my heart My oh my you know it just don’t stop
It’s in my mind I wanna tear it up
I’ve tried to fight it tried to turn it off
But it’s not enough
It takes a lotta love
It takes a lotta love my friend
To keep your heart from freezing
To push on till the end
My oh my What on earth is going on in my head
You know I used to be so sure
You know I used to be so definite
Thought I knew what love was for
I look around these days and I’m not so sure My oh my you know it just don’t stop
It’s in my mind I wanna tear it up
I’ve tried to fight it tried to turn it off
But it’s not enough
It takes a lotta love
It takes a lotta love my friend
To keep your heart from freezing
To push on till the end
My oh my you know I just can’t win
I burn it down it comes right back again
What kinda world is this we’re living in
where you never win
It takes a lotta love
It takes a lotta love these days
To keep your heart from freezing
To keep your spirit free My oh my you know it just don’t stop
It’s in my mind I wanna tear it up
I’ve tried to fight it tried to turn it off
But it’s not enough
It takes a lotta love
It takes a lotta love my friend
To keep your heart from freezing
To push on till the end
My oh my it just don’t stop
My oh my it just don’t stop
My oh my it just don’t stop [David Gray – My Oh My Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Way Movie (2011)
Name "The Way" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

David Gray - My Oh My Soundtrack Lyrics

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