
Cy Coleman / Carolyn Leigh - Hey, Look Me Over Soundtrack Lyrics

Cy Coleman / Carolyn Leigh – Hey, Look Me Over Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Tower Heist” Movie (2011) ]  Nobody in the world was ever without a prayer
How can you win the world if nobody knows you’re there?
Kid, when you need the crowd, the tickets are hard to sell
Still, you can lead the crowd if you can get up and yell Hey look me over, lend me an ear
Fresh out of clover, mortgage up to here
Don’t pass the plate folks, don’t pass the cup
I figure whenever you’re down and out, the only way is up
And I’ll be up like a rosebud high on the vine
Don’t thumb your nose, but take a tip from mine
I’m a little bit short of the elbow room, so let me get me some
And look out world, here I come Nobody in the world was ever without a prayer
How can you win the world if nobody knows you’re there?
Kid, when you need the crowd, the tickets are hard to sell
Still, you can lead the crowd if you can get up and yell Hey look me over, lend me an ear
Fresh out of clover, mortgage up to here
I’m a little bit short of the elbow room, so let me get me some
And look out world, here me shout world
And look out world, here I come [Cy Coleman / Carolyn Leigh – Hey, Look Me Over Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Tower Heist Movie (2011)
Name "Tower Heist" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Cy Coleman / Carolyn Leigh - Hey, Look Me Over Soundtrack Lyrics

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