
Vegas Audio Ninjas - Mo Cash! Soundtrack Lyrics

Vegas Audio Ninjas – Mo Cash! Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Magic Mike” Movie (2012) ] Just get those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! Just keep those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! Just keep those hands back,
No, you dont grab that, trick,
On the lean back,
Gimmie mo cash! I got them dollar bills,
Like the brothels in the back room
Dont let them catch you,
On like a tattoo. I make ya hot, hot, hot, hot, (oh)
I wont stop,
If you gimmie that cash, girl. I make ya hot, hot, hot, hot, (oh)
I wont stop,
If you gimmie that cash… You wanna go?
Lets take it low.
You wanna rock,
I wanna roll-a.
So kick them heels off,
Up in the air,
B-b-b-back up,
I’ll letcha put it there. Just get those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! Just keep those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! I make ya hot, hot, hot, hot, (oh)
I wont stop,
If you gimmie that cash, girl. I make ya hot, hot, hot, hot, (oh)
I wont stop,
If you gimmie that cash… You wanna go?
Lets take it low.
You wanna rock,
I wanna roll-a.
So kick them heels off,
Up in the air,
B-b-b-back up,
I’ll letcha put it there. Just get those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! Just keep those hands back, (ah)
No, you dont grab that, (oh)
Go on and lean back, (hey)
Gimmie mo cash! I make ya hot… Gimmie mo cash! [Vegas Audio Ninjas – Mo Cash! Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Magic Mike Movie (2012)
Name "Magic Mike" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Vegas Audio Ninjas - Mo Cash! Soundtrack Lyrics

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