
Jonsi - Boy Lilikoi Soundtrack Lyrics

Jonsi – Boy Lilikoi Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “We Bought a Zoo” Movie (2011) ]  I want to be a lilikoi-boy-lilikoi
You grind your claws, you howl, you growl unafraid of all colour
You run, you’re free, you climb and dress trees? – You reignite
You growl, you howl, you show your teeth
You bite, it’s alright Go, say no more, use your eyes, the world goes and flutters by
Use your eyes, you’ll know you are
Use your eyes, the world goes and flutters by
Use your eyes, you’ll know you are Why me, my boy, you burn so bright, do you illuminate?
One day you’re out, you give up the fight, you slow down heart-rate We all grow old, use your life, the world goes and flutters by
Use your life, you’ll know you are
Use your life, the world goes and flutters by
Use your? life, you’ll know you are Electricity wires are down, rainbow colours fade into brown
I dreamt you were smiling, shifting for good
Courageous boy, now you are gone And run past the years, no place to go
Your spirit is grand, so life goes on
You are……. (light)
You are……. (light) I want to be a lilikoi-boy, you…
You grind your claws, you howl, you growl, unafraid of all colour Electricity wires are down, rainbow colours fade into brown
I dreamt you were smiling, shifting for good
Courageous boy, now? you are gone
You run past the years, no place to go
Your spirit is grand, so life goes on
You are……. (light)
You are……. (light) [Jonsi – Boy Lilikoi Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category We Bought a Zoo Movie (2011)
Name "We Bought a Zoo" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jonsi - Boy Lilikoi Soundtrack Lyrics

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