
Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm Your Angel Soundtrack Lyrics

Yoko Ono – Yes, I’m Your Angel Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “This Is 40” Movie (2012) ] Yes, i’m your angel,
I’ll give you ev’rything
In my magic power.
So make a wish and i’ll let it come true for you.
Tra-la-la-la-la. You’re my fairy,
You give me ev’rything
I ever wanted from life.
Have i made a wish and is that why i have you?
Tra-la-la-la-la. We believe in pumpkins that turn into princesses
And frogs that turn into princes.
We believe in the moons that smile on us
When we hurry home before the midnight strikes.
Tra-la-la-la-la. Yes, i’m so pretty,
You’re so dizzy
And we’re so happy ev’ry day.
Let’s make a wish and let it come true for us.
Tra-la-la-la-la. I’m in your pocket,
You’re in my locket
And we’re so lucky in ev’ry way.
We make a wish and let it come true for us.
Tra-la-la-la-la. We believe in houses built in the sky,
And love that lift us high.
We believe in the sun that looks over our shoulder
And brings our shadows together.
Tra-la-la-la-la. Yes, our hearts are one,
Our bodies, too
And it’s so good, mm, ev’rytime.
We make a wish and let it come true for you, too.
Tra-la-la-la-la. Happy birthday, my love,
I’m your angel,
I’ll give you ev’rything in my magic power.
So make a wish and i’ll let it come true for you. [Yoko Ono – Yes, I’m Your Angel Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category This Is 40 Movie (2012)
Name "This Is 40" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm Your Angel Soundtrack Lyrics

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