
Bait 3D Soundtrack List

Bait 3D Movie (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Bait 3D Soundtrack Information: Below you can view the complete Bait 3D soundtrack (score) list: Music composed by Joe Ng and Alex Oh: 1. Opening
2. Shark Bait
3. Secret World
4. Gunshots
5. Remembering Rory
6. Cluster
7. Get Out of the Water
8. Conflict
9. Shark Encounter
10. The Dead-Human Connection
11. Crabs
12. Chit Chat
13. Hammerhead
14. Fishing for Sharks
15. Back Upstairs
16. Go After Her
17. Shotgun and Electric Shark
18. Getting Out
19. Bait
20. Requiem Bait 3D Film Information: Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Release Date: 9 September 2012 Stars: Richard Brancatisano, Xavier Samuel and Chris Betts
Director: Kimble Rendall
Writers: Duncan Kennedy (additional writing by), Justin Monjo (additional writing by) Plot: A freak tsunami traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside the building – along with a 12-foot Great White Shark. Listen to Bait 3D Soundtrack below:

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Bait 3D Soundtrack List