
Blackfish Soundtrack List

Blackfish Soundtrack List Movie (2013) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, song list of all of the songs played in the movie – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Blackfish Soundtrack Details:
Genres: Soundtrack, Music
Released: 17 July 2013 Below you can view the complete Blackfish Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original Score composed by Jeff Beal
1 Trouble At Shamu Stadium 2:35
2 Magnificent Creature 3:00
3 Dawn Brancheau 1:00
4 Folly 1:39
5 The Whale Hunt 1:47
6 Tilikum’s Theme 2:39
7 Making the Team 2:22
8 Keltie Berne 1:18
9 Orca In the Wild 2:43
10 Floppy Fin 2:46
11 Colina Taken Away 2:38
12 John Sillick 1:50
13 More Trainer Accidents 2:54
14 Ken Dragged Below 3:45
15 Tilikum Family Tree 1:25
16 Alexis Martinez 4:07
17 Tilikum Kills 4:00
18 Time To Stop 3:18
19 Sea World Cover Up 4:00
20 Blackfish 1:59 Blackfish Film Information: Genre: Documentary
Release date: 19 January 2013 (USA)
Length: 83 minutes Director: Gabriela Cowperthwaite
Writers: Gabriela Cowperthwaite, Eli B. Despres
Stars: Samantha Berg, Dave Duffus, Dean Gomersall Plot:
“Notorious killer whale Tilikum is responsible for the deaths of three individuals, including a top killer whale trainer. Blackfish shows the sometimes devastating consequences of keeping such intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity.” The audio clips for the songs in the soundtrack will be added as soon as they become available.

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Blackfish Soundtrack List