
Copper Soundtrack List

Copper Soundtrack List TV Series (2013) – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the TV Series, score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Copper Soundtrack Details: Audio CD (May 28, 2013)
Original Release Date: 2013
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Valley Below you can view the complete Copper Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original score written by composer Brian Keane
1. Copper Title
2. Bank Robbery
3. Lost and Longing / Annie’s Theme
4. Mystery and Mercy
5. Carriage Ride Uptown / Corruption Theme
6. A Spark of Love
7. Freeman’s Theme
8. Maggie’s Theme / Break a Leg
9. Brutal Momentum
10. Beautiful Dreamer
11. Molly’s Murder
12. Uncle Marcus Attacks
13. Jasper Versus Irish Jake
14. Arsenic and Old Cake
15. Kevin and Elizabeth
16. Lanigan’s Ball
17. Death of Riley
18. Robert and Elizabeth
19. A Vast and Fiendish Plot
20. Galop
21. Ellen’s Theme
22. Francis and Mary Lockwood
23. Confederates Attack New York
24. Goodbye Eva
25. Letting Go Copper TV Series Information: Genre: Drama
Release date: 2012
Length: 42 minutes Creators: Tom Fontana, Will Rokos
Stars: Kevin Ryan, Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid Plot:
“Set in the Five Points neighborhood of New York City in the 1860s, focusing on a rugged young Irish cop who is forced to navigate his unruly and dangerous immigrant neighborhood while interacting with the uptown Manhattan crowd and the black community.” Listen to Copper Soundtrack

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Copper Soundtrack List