
Exeter Soundtrack List

Exeter Soundtrack List Movie (2015) (aka. Backmask)– Tracklist – OST List – Listen to original score and full songs, Theme Music, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Exeter Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: July 2, 2015 Below you can view the complete Exeter Soundtrack list, score album tracklist

Original music composed by Eric Allaman
1. Mother’s Suicide (Exeter History)
2. Rory Cuts His Face
3. Grier Appears
4. Death of Grier
5. Panic in the Garage with Conway’s Body
6. Reign Walking The Halls
7. Reign in the Attic
8. Searching For Rory
9. Kids Clean Up the Mess
10. Priest Body Missing (Exorcism)
11. Blood and Shit On The Walls
12. Ouiji Board
13. Amber Freakout
14. Death of Drew
15. Reign and Patrick search for Amber (Closet A)
16. Behind the Cabinet (Mystery Room)
17. Knowles Looks For Rory on Fours
18. Death of Amber
19. Search For and the Death of Knowles
20. Reign and Patrick Search For Rory
21. Patrick and Reign find Rory and Bard
22. Priest Attacks Reign and Battle
23. Priest Attacks Rory and Death of Priest
24. Patrick Discovers Bracelet (Finale with Reign)
25. Backmack Titles
26. Deface The World (feat. Quarantine)
27. Alive (feat. Quarantine)
28. Damage (feat. Quarantine)
29. Death Tribute (feat. Quarantine)
30. Find You (feat. Quarantine)
31. Black Dawn (feat. Quarantine)
32. Zombies (feat. Quarantine)
33. Backmask (feat. Quarantine)
34. Blood Offering (feat. Quarantine)
35. Black Dawn Backmasked (feat. Quarantine)
36. Regrets (feat. Quarantine) Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. Exeter Lullaby – Our Lady of Malibu Choir Exeter Film Information: Genre: Horror, Thriller
Release date in USA: August 14, 2015 Director: Marcus Nispel
Writers: Kirsten McCallion (as Kirsten Elms) , Kirsten McCallion
Stars: Stephen Lang, Brittany Curran, Gage Golightly
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Exeter Soundtrack List