
Golden Compass Soundtrack List - Tracklist

Golden Compass Movie (2007) Soundtrack  List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture

  1. The Golden Compass
  2. Sky Ferry
  3. Letters From Bolvangar
  4. Lyra, Roger and Billy
  5. Mrs. Coulter
  6. Lyra Escapes
  7. The Magisterium
  8. Dust
  9. Serafina Pekkala
  10. Lee Scoresby’s Airship Adventure
  11. Iorek Byrnison
  12. Lord Faa, King of the Gyptians
  13. The Golden Monkey
  14. Riding Iorek
  15. Samoyed Attack
  16. Lord Asriel
  17. Ragnar Sturlusson
  18. Ice Bear Combat
  19. Iorek’s Victory
  20. The Ice Bridge
  21. Rescuing the Children
  22. Intercision
  23. Mother
  24. Battle with the Tartars
  25. Epilogue
  26. Kate Bush – Lyra

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Golden Compass Soundtrack List - Tracklist