
Haute Cuisine Soundtrack List

Haute Cuisine Les saveurs du Palais (original title) Movie (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Haute Cuisine Soundtrack Information: Original release date: 17 septembre 2012
Label: Cristal Publishing
Total length: 31:19 Below you can view the complete (Haute Cuisine Les saveurs du Palais) soundtrack (score) list: Music composed by Gabriel Yared: 1. En guise d’entrée
2. Course à l’Elysée
3. Les cuisines du palais
4. Thème d’Hortense
5. Prélude au palais
6. Mélange de saveurs
7. Piano en cuisine
8. Changement de régime
9. Dernier repas sur l’île
10. Crème “Mémé”
11. On vous fait des misères
12. Un tunnel au Far-West
13. Mr le Président
14. Nouveau départ Haute Cuisine Film Information: Genre: Biography, Comedy
Release date: 19 September 2012 (France) Director: Christian Vincent
Writers: Etienne Comar, Christian Vincent
Stars: Catherine Frot, Jean d’Ormesson and Hippolyte Girardot Plot:
The story of Danièle Delpeuch and how she was appointed as the private chef for François Mitterrand.

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Haute Cuisine Soundtrack List