
Paradise Soundtrack List

Paradise Soundtrack List Movie (2013) – Tracklist – OST List – Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, song list of all of the songs played in the movie – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Prisoners Soundtrack details:
Film’s original music composed by Rachel Portman
Release date: September 24, 2013 Prisoners Soundtrack list (Score): 1. Milky White Way – Julianne Hough
2. Paradise
3. Lamb Wakes Up
4. Lamb Rides Zipline
5. Cab Ride
6. Rooftop
7. 24 Hour Pharmacy
8. Novelty Glitter Tee
9. Lamb Renounces God
10. Lamb Takes A Shower
11. Make Over
12. Plane Lands
13. Trop Light
14. Lamb Enters Riviera / Walk and Talk
15. Pharmacy / Santa Claus / Sofa
16. Loray Decides To Take Lamb With Her
17. Goodbye Loray / See You In The Trenches
18. Lamb Comes Home
19. End Titles Prisoners film information:
Length: –
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Release date: 18 October 2013 (USA)
Director: Diablo Cody
Writer: Diablo Cody
Stars: Julianne Hough, Nick Offerman, Holly Hunter Plot:
“Lamb Mannerheim’s faith is shaken after a plane crash burns two-thirds of her body, and she shocks her small-town congregation when she publicly renounces God. As she sets out to experience the worldly pleasures of Las Vegas, she meets a bartender and a cynical lounge singer who help her check off as many dirty deeds as possible from her Napkin of Sin bucket list.” The soundtrack will be added as soon as it becomes available.

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Paradise Soundtrack List