
Savannah Soundtrack List

Savannah Soundtrack List Movie (2013) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, song list of all of the songs played in the movie – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Savannah Soundtrack Details:
Original Release Date: August 20, 2013
Total Length: 52:46 Below you can view the complete Savannah Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original score composed by Gil Talmi
1. We Shape Everything (3:10)
2. Love, in the Making (2:20)
3. At First Sight (1:46)
4. Kindred Spirits (2:21)
5. Floating on a Sea of Stars (3:32)
6. A Way of Life (1:20)
7. What Would You Have Me Do? (1:27)
8. It Will Be Our Secret (0:48)
9. Your World Ain’t Mine (1:57)
10. Solitude (2:50)
11. The Gift (0:52)
12. The Pen, Opus 1 (1:43)
13. The Pen, Opus 2 (1:41)
14. Scallion Jack (2:04)
15. 15 Paces (1:23)
16. What If It’s a Girl? (1:08)
17. Broken (2:11)
18. Losing Lucy (4:37)
19. A Painful Past (2:06)
20. Resistance (1:01)
21. Time and Tide (2:54)
22. So Be It (3:56)
23. There Is Some Meaning in It (3:32)
24. A Painful Past (feat. Chiwetel Ejiofor) (2:07) Savannah Film Information: Genre: Drama, Family, History
Release date: 23 August 2013 (USA)
Length: 101 minutes Director: Annette Haywood-Carter
Writers: Ken Carter, Annette Haywood-Carter
Stars: Jaimie Alexander, Jim Caviezel, Sam Shepard Plot:
“SAVANNAH is the true story of Ward Allen, a romantic and bombastic character who rejects his plantation heritage for the freedom of life on a river. “ Listen to Savannah Soundtrack:

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Savannah Soundtrack List