
The Adventures of Tintin Soundtrack List

The Adventures of Tintin Movie (2011) Soundtracks  List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture The Adventures of Tintin Soundtracks Information: Audio CD (October 25, 2011)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Sony UK
Release Date:  October 24, 2011
Music by John Williams
Complete Soundtrack List: 1. The Adventures of Tintin
2. Snowy’s Theme
3. The Secret of the Scrolls
4. Introducing the Thompsons and Snowy’s Chase
5. Marlinspike Hall
6. Escape from the Karaboudjan
7. Sir Francis and the Unicorn
8. Captain Haddock Takes the Oars
9. Red Rackham’s Curse and the Treasure
10. Capturing Mr. Silk
11. The Flight to Bagghar
12. The Milanese Nightingale
13. Presenting Bianca Castafiore
14. The Pursuit of the Falcon
15. The Captain’s Counsel
16. The Clash of the Cranes
17. The Return to Marlinspike Hall and Finale
18. The Adventure Continues The Adventures of Tintin Film Information:
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writers: Steven Moffat (screenplay), Edgar Wright (screenplay)
Stars: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig
Release Date: October 22, 2011 (Paris) (premiere) Plot: Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock’s ancestor. But someone else is in search of the ship. Below you can listen to Soundtrack (full samples of the songs, as it appears in the movie), and you can also download and buy the official mp3s one by one, or the whole album. Below you can download the Soundtrack cd, buy the official movie music, and the full songs.

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The Adventures of Tintin Soundtrack  List