
A Thousand Lines Soundtrack (2022)

The soundtrack album list from A Thousand Lines (Tausend Zeilen), a 2022 movie, tracklist, listen to all the 30 full soundtrack songs, play 30 full OST music.
A Thousand Lines official OST album tracklist, original motion picture score.

Original release date: 29 September 2022

Label: 2022 UFA Fiction GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Original music composed by Various Artists

1. Flying to the Stars (03:28)
2. Mujer Bonita (03:12)
3. Finalmente (feat. Fabrizio Levita) (03:14)
4. Reporter’s Life (00:47)
5. Die Chronik (02:13)
6. L.A. Chillout (01:44)
7. Refugees (01:42)
8. Back to Berlin (00:42)
9. Border Wolves, Pt. 1 (01:15)
10. Der liebe Lars (00:53)
11. Border Wolves, Pt. 2 (01:51)
12. Fragen (01:02)
13. Die Dokumentation (02:25)
14. Schwesterherz (01:18)
15. Wir gehen mittenrein! (01:14)
16. Guantanamo Bay (00:37)
17. Zweifel (01:23)
18. Der Artikel (01:13)
19. Research (01:29)
20. Havana Trouble (01:50)
21. Was, wenn? (01:25)
22. Off to Arizona (01:54)
23. Flashlight (01:50)
24. Friends Call Me Jack (01:52)
25. Fake (02:02)
27. Lorenzo Gonzales (02:15)
28. Knockout (03:00)
29. Fakten kann jeder (02:30)
30. Die Wahrheit. Sonst nichts. (02:05)
Listen to the full score songs from A Thousand Lines in a:

Youtube Playlist

Spotify Playlist

A Thousand Lines Film information
Movie Genre: Drama
Release date (wide): 29 September 2022
Runtime: 1h 22m
Production: Gesellschaft für feine Filme, UFA Fiction, Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany
Director: Michael Herbig
Watch the trailer for A Thousand Lines

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A Thousand Lines Soundtrack (2022)