
Africa Soundtrack List

Africa Soundtrack TV Series (2013) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete Africa Soundtrack List, Score album tracklist: Original music composed by Sara Class and Will Slater
1. Journey of the King Fish
2. Rivers and Falls
3. Lakes and Flamingos
4. Butterfly Ball
5. Force of the Whale
6. Mystery Path
7. Giraffe vs. Giraffe
8. Beauty of Aguillus Sands
9. Leopard Mirage
10. Bats and Eagles
11. By the Beach
12. Bangweulu Swamp
13. The Desert Victor
14. Up in the Clouds
15. Lions and Lizards Rock Café
16. Baptism of Fire
17. Fairy Circles
18. Bull Elephant Fight
19. Shimmer of the Flower Fields
20. Drought
21. Under the Stars
22. Rwenzori Mountains
23. Shores of Respite
24. Draconsberg
25. Turtles
26. River of Life Africa TV Series Information: Genre: Documentary
Original air date: 3 January 2013 – 6 February 2013
Length: 60 minutes
Number of episodes: 7 Plot:
“Africa is a 2013 television series co-produced by the BBC Natural History Unit and the Discovery Channel. It focuses on wildlife and wild habitats in Africa, and has been four years in the making.”

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Africa Soundtrack List