
Bless Me, Ultima Soundtrack List

Bless Me, Ultima Movie (2013) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete Bless Me, Ultima soundtrack (score) list: Music composed by Mark Kilian: 01. Lessons
02. Ultima Saves Lucas
03. Seasons
04. Lupito’s Death
05. Harvest
06. Bless Me, Ultima
07. The Dolls
08. Antonio Runs
09. Meet Tenorio
10. The Llano
11. Brothers Return
12. Mob With Fire
13. Trip To El Puerto
14. Antonio’s Disappointment
15. Tenorio Attacks
16. An Argument
17. Ultima’s Owl
18. The Vitamin Kid
19. Narciso’s Death
20. Sowing Seeds
21. Gabriel’s Sadness
22. Lunch
23. Tenorio’s Death
24. Communion
25. Confessions
26. End Credits Bless Me, Ultima Film Information: Genre: Drama, War
Director: Carl Franklin
Writers: Carl Franklin (screenplay), Rudolfo Anaya (novel)
Stars: Luke Ganalon, Miriam Colon and Benito Martinez Plot:
A drama set in New Mexico during WWII, centered on the relationship between a young man and an elderly medicine woman who helps him contend with the battle between good and evil that rages in his village. Below you can listen to Soundtrack (full samples of the songs, as they appear in the movie): Bless Me, Ultima Official score preview:

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Bless Me, Ultima Soundtrack List