
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Soundtrack List - Tracklist

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Movie (2011) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, all songs list, who sings them, including end credits and film score list. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Soundtrack Information:
Original Release Date: December 20, 2011
Label: Watertower Music
Copyright: 2011 WaterTower Music
Total Length: 1:01:16 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Soundtrack (Score) Song List:
Music by Alexandre Desplat. 1. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
2. The Sixth Borough 3. Piano Lesson With Grandma 4. The Very Best Plan 5. The Worst Day 6. Mother And Son 7. Visiting The Blacks 8. The Phone Call 9. Oskar’s Monologue 10. Oxymorons 11. The Renter’s Story 12. The Key 13. Nothing Fits 14. Listening To The Messages 15. The Renter Leaves 16. William Black’s Story 17. Reconciliation 18. The Swings Of Central Park Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Film Information:
Plot: A nine-year-old amateur inventor, Francophile, and pacifist searches New York City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Director: Stephen Daldry
Writers: Eric Roth (screenplay), Jonathan Safran Foer (novel)
Stars: Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 20 January 2012 (USA)
Lenght: 129 min Below you can listen to Soundtrack (full samples of the songs, as it appears in the movie), and you can also download and buy the official mp3s one by one, or the whole album.
Below you can buy the Soundtrack cd, official movie music, and the full songs.

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  • jakes black says:

    this mOvie is so great and it inspires many , who are struggling challenges in life..GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS PHILIPPINES!

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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Soundtrack List - Tracklist