
Fading Gigolo Soundtrack List

Fading Gigolo Soundtrack List Movie (2014) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Fading Gigolo Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: April 15, 2014 Below you can view the complete Fading Gigolo Soundtrack list, album tracklist: 1. Canadian Sunset – Gene Ammons
2. La violetera – Dalida
3. Neph – Trombone Shorty
4. My Romance – Gene Ammons
5. Luna rossa – M’Barka Ben Taleb
6. Reflejo de Luna – Alacran
7. After the Massage – Bill Maxwell
8. Sway – Dean Martin
9. I’m a Fool to Want You – M’Barka Ben Taleb
10. Le Torrent – Dalida
11. Tu Si Na Cosa Grande – Vanessa Paradis
12. Meeting in the Park – Bill Maxwell Fading Gigolo Film Information: Genre: Comedy
Release date: April 18, 2014 Director: John Turturro
Writers: John Turturro
Stars: Sofía Vergara, Sharon Stone, Woody Allen Plot:
“Fioravante decides to become a professional Don Juan as a way of making money to help his cash-strapped friend, Murray. With Murray acting as his “manager”, the duo quickly finds themselves caught up in the crosscurrents of love and money.” Below you can listen to some of the songs from the Fading Gigolo Soundtrack: Below you can listen to the full songs from the soundtrack of Fading Gigolo movie

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Fading Gigolo Soundtrack List