
Finding Nemo Soundtrack List - Tracklist

Finding Nemo Animation (2003) Soundtrack  List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture

No. Title Length
1. “Wow” 2:31
2. “Barracuda” 1:29
3. “Nemo Egg (Main Title)” 1:16
4. “First Day” 1:15
5. “Field Trip!!” 0:57
6. “Mr. Ray, Scientist (I’m a scientist)” 1:28
7. “The Divers” 1:56
8. “Lost” 1:03
9. “Short-Term Dory” 0:43
10. “”Why Trust a Shark?”” 1:17
11. “Friends Not Food” 1:51
12. “Fish-O-Rama” 0:29
13. “Gill” 1:40
14. “Mt. Wannahockaloogie” 1:20
15. “Foolproof” 0:32
16. “Squishy” 1:32
17. “Jellyfish Forest” 1:32
18. “Stay Awake” 1:47
19. “School of Fish” 1:03
20. “Filter Attempt” 2:05
21. “The Turtle Lope” 2:04
22. “Curl Away My Son” 1:28
23. “News Travels” 1:13
24. “The Little Clownfish from the Reef” 1:15
25. “(Untitled; Hidden Track)” 2:22
26. “Lost in Fog” 1:05
27. “Scum Angel” 1:22
28. “Haiku” 1:41
29. “Time to Let Go” 2:22
30. “Sydney Harbour” 0:28
31. “Pelicans” 1:12
32. “Drill” 0:50
33. “Fish in My Hair!” 1:29
34. “”All Drains Lead to the Ocean”” 1:36
35. “P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney” 0:39
36. “Fishing Grounds” 1:41
37. “Swim Down” 1:46
38. “Finding Nemo” 1:19
39. “Fronds Like These” 1:57
40. “Beyond the Sea” (performed by Robbie Williams) 4:08
Total length: 60:21

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Finding Nemo Soundtrack List - Tracklist