
Healing Soundtrack List

Healing Soundtrack List Movie (2014) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Healing Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: June 7, 2014 Below you can view the complete Healing Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original music composed by David Hirschfelder 1. Opening Titles
2. The Bird Will Live?
3. Building the Aviaries
4. Heaven or Whatever
5. Bird Arrivals
6. Never Forget Who You Were
7. I Look After You
8. Any Takers?
9. It’s About Your Brother
10. Wanna Know a Secret?
11. Let Her Go
12. Escorted Day Release
13. Unescorted
14. Forget It, Girl
15. Spirits of the Sky
16. The Way It Is
17. She’s Watching Him
18. Welcome Back Vik
19. All You Are Seeking
20. You’ll Be Ok Yasmine
21. Forgive Me, My Darling
22. Goodbye Baz
23. Letting Go
24. Healesville Sanctuary
25. Viktor and Yasmine Healing Film Information: Genre: Drama
Release date: May 25, 2014 Director: Craig Monahan
Writers: Craig Monahan, Alison Nisselle
Stars: Hugo Weaving, Don Hany, Xavier Samuel Plot:
“At the tail end of a 16-year sentence, an inmate is sent to a low-security, pre-release prison with a special program that pairs men with injured game birds.“ The soundtrack audio clips will be added as soon as they become available.

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Healing  Soundtrack List