
Immortals Soundtracks List - Tracklist

Immortals Movie (2011) Soundtracks  List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture

Short Movie description: Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.

Soundtracks release date: November 8, 2011

1. Immortal and Divine
2. War in the Heavens
3. Hyperion’s Siren
4. Witness Hell
5. To Mt. Olympus
6. Enter the Oracles
7. Theseus and Phaedra
8. Poseidon’s Leap
9. This is your Calling
10. Theseus Fight the Minotaur
11. Theseus Fires the Bow
12. My Own Heart
13. Zeus’ Punishment
14. Ride to the Gates
15. In War Fathers Bury Their Sons
16. The Gods Chose Well
17. Fight So Your Name Survives
18. Battle in the Tunnel
19. Immortal Combat
20. Do Not Forsake Mankind
21. Apotheosis
22. Sky Fight / End Credits Below you can listen to Soundtrack (full samples of the songs, as it appear in the movie), and you can also buy the official music cd, to download the full songs.

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Immortals Soundtracks  List - Tracklist