
Merlin Season 4 Soundtrack List

Merlin Season 4 TV Series (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Show, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete Merlin Season 4 soundtrack (score) list: 1. Titles – The Strange Girl 4:41
2. Merlin and Morgana Duel 3:09
3. The Darkest Hour 1:01
4. The Burial 3:09
5. Arthur Asked to Lead 1:27
6. Arthur and the Madness of Love 4:53
7. The Nightmare and the Sidh 2:41
8. Cenred’s Kingdom 3:06
9. Oswald Ambushed 1:58
10. Morgana’s Hatred of Uther 2:13
11. Merlin Brews a Potion 1:24
12. Morgause’s Magic 4:18
13. Lancelot’s Fight 2:07
14. Ygraine’s Theme 3:53
15. Morgana Spared 3:57
16. Morgana Poisoned 3:23
17. Knights of the Round Table 4:16
18. The Bond of Sacrifice 2:17
19. The Labyrinth of Gedreth 2:43 Merlin Season 4 TV series information: Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family
Release: 2008
Duration: 45 minutes Plot:
The adventures of the legendary sorcerer as a young man.

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Merlin Season 4 Soundtrack List