
Mr. Right Soundtrack List

Mr. Right Soundtrack List Movie (2016) – Tracklist – Listen to full soundtrack and score songs samples, trailer songs, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, what songs and who sings them.
Mr. Right Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: April 8, 2016
Label: Lakeshore Records Below you can view the complete Mr. Right score album tracklist Original music composed by Aaron Zigman 1. Love You With a Bang – Maty Noyes
2. Jesu Joy – Apollo
3. I’m a T-Rex
4. A Work in Progress
5. Hopper
6. The First Kiss
7. Stay the Night
8. Restaurant Date
9. Knife Fight
10. The Jersey Goons
11. The Sweeping Current
12. I’m Not a Bad Person
13. Martha’s Confusion
14. Elmer Fudd Shotgun
15. Martha Is In
16. Poolside Shootout
17. Hopper Arrives
18. Richie’s Lecture
19. Martha Feeling Motivated
20. Mr. Right Makes an Entrance
21. Brother Drama
22. Bruce Battle
23. Martha Found
24. The Final Fights
25. The T-Rex Roars
26. You Got Boring, Hopper
27. I Missed You
Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie

1. Dear Future Husband – Meghan Trainor
2. My Type – Saint Motel
3. Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum
4. Happy Call – Thrust
5. Kill Shot – Amaany
6. Crazy – Kat Dahlia
7. Boom Boom Room – Totsy
8. Jazzy Interlude – Billy Munn
9. Jesu Joy – Apollo
10. Sunshine Goodtime – Minnutes

Mr. Right Film information
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Release date in USA: 8 April 2016
Runtime: 1h 30min
Director: Paco Cabezas
Writer: Max Landis
Stars: Anna Kendrick, Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth
Watch the trailer for Mr. Right

Trailer songs (full tracks)
1. Love You With A Bang - Maty Noyes (Official trailer )

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Type Complete Score and Soundtrack List

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Mr. Right Soundtrack List