
Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris Soundtrack (2022)

The soundtrack album list from Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris , a 2022 movie, tracklist, listen to all the 30 full soundtrack songs, play 28 full OST music & 2 trailer tracks.
Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris official OST album tracklist, original motion picture score.

Original release date: 15 July 2022

Label: Back Lot Music

Original music composed by Rael Jones

1. Mrs. Harris (1:59)
2. Lucky Day (1:17)
3. In a Flap (0:41)
4. Footloose and Fancy Free (1:20)
5. Bag of Bones (1:48)
6. Chasing Natasha (1:49)
7. 10th Anniversary Collection (2:42)
8. Temptation (2:16)
9. Streets Paved with Broken Dreams (2:13)
10. A Proper Angel (1:45)
11. Tour of Paris (1:06)
12. Toad in the Hole (3:47)
13. A Thousand Apologies (1:11)
14. Late for Fitting (0:59)
15. Making Moonlight (3:05)
16. Lovely, But Not Real (2:02)
17. Premiere (1:42)
18. It’s Called a Strike (2:40)
19. Say Something, Love (1:32)
20. Mrs. Mops (1:36)
21. Peas in a Pod (2:03)
22. Shut Up and Kiss Me (2:40)
23. Being Seen is Everything (3:07)
24. Up in Flames (0:37)
25. The Dream Fades (2:38)
26. From All Your Friends (2:20)
27. Ada On the Stairs (1:47)
28. The Legion Dance (3:10)
Listen to the full score songs from Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris in a:

Youtube Playlist

Spotify Playlist

Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris Film information
Movie Genre: Comedy, Drama
Release date (wide): 15 July 2022
Runtime: 1h 55m
Production: Moonriver Content, Superbe Films, Hero Squared
Distributor: Focus Features
Director: Anthony Fabian
Stars: Jason Isaacs, Lesley Manville, Anna Chancellor
Watch the trailer for Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris

Trailer songs (full tracks)
On N’Oublie Rien – Juliette Gréco

It’s Been A Long, Long Time · Louis Armstrong

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Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris Soundtrack (2022)