
My Uncle Rafael Soundtrack List

My Uncle Rafael Movie (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete My Uncle Rafael soundtrack (score) list: Original music composed by Joey Newman:
1. Main Title (1:54)
2. Hamo’s Coffee Shop (1:26)
3. Meet the Schumachers (0:48)
4. Talkin’ Reality Show (1:57)
5. Under The Sink (0:53)
6. Dysfunctional Family (1:53)
7. Scheming (2:10)
8. Chess Game (2:08)
9. Hamo’s Data Seduction (1:48)
10. Blair-Rafael Yoga (1:42)
11. Finding Mother (0:46)
12. Cody Meets Kim (1:02)
13. Unconditional Love (1:06)
14. A Challenge (2:34)
15. First Date (1:06)
16. Plan B (0:39)
17. The Color of Rafael (3:35)
18. The Wrath of Blair (0:51)
19. Father & Son (1:32)
20. Rafael’s Video Message (1:37)
21. All For Hamo (1:27)
22. Everybody Needs An Uncle (1:07)
23. Episode 2 Audition: The GodUncle (0:33)
24. Rafael – Smith & Pyle (3:01)
25. Keep It Move’n – Moybrothaz (3:10) My Uncle Rafael Film Information: Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 21 September 2012 (USA) Plot:
A desperate TV producer convinces an old Armenian Uncle to star in a new reality show. Cultures collide when Uncle Rafael is thrown into the Schumacher family household where he has one week to save a broken and dysfunctional American family from falling apart. The only rule-everyone must follow his rules

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My Uncle Rafael Soundtrack List