
Nata Per Te Soundtrack (2023)

The soundtrack album list from Nata Per Te, a 2023 movie, tracklist, listen to all the 15 full soundtrack songs, play 14 full OST music & 1 trailer track.
This Stolen Country of Mine official OST album tracklist, original motion picture score.

Original release date: 5 October 2023

Label: Kickout Films Srl

Original music composed by Giorgio Giampà

1. Infiniti mondi
2. Tra milioni di corpi celesti
3. È pronta
4. Tristi nella gioia
5. Universi infiniti
6. È lungo il mare
7. Alba
8. Tutto toglie e tutto dà
9. Nei corpi celesti
10. Orbite
11. L’andiamo a prendere
12. Un’altra alba
13. Infiniti mondi (Version 2)
14. Alba (Version 2)
Listen to the full score songs from Nata Per Te in a:

Youtube Playlist

Spotify Playlist

Nata Per Te Film information
Movie Genre: Drama
Release date (wide): 5 October 2023
Runtime: 1h 53m
Production: Cattleya
Director: Fabio Mollo
Watch the trailer for Nata Per Te

Trailer songs (full tracks)
Il mio canto libero – Lucio Battisti

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Soundtrack Information

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Movie Poster

Nata Per Te Soundtrack (2023)