
Room 237 Soundtrack List

Room 237 Soundtrack Movie (2013) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete Room 237 Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: 1. Recourse to Eagles 3:34
2. To Keep from Falling Off 4:29
3. Escape Pod 3:50
4. Minotaur 5:18
5. Barry Lyndon is a Boring Movie 5:23
6. Suite 3 3:47
7. Universal Weak Male 2:16
8. Ignorance of Visual Information 2:31
9. They Didn’t Need to do That 3:45
10. Moon Landing 5:22
11. Everything in Focus 2:45
12. People Look Like Giants 5:12
13. This Deeper Story 2:54
14. Dies Irae 5:25 Room 237 Film Information: Genre: Documentary
Release date: 23 September 2012 (USA)
Length: 102 minutes Plot:
“A subjective documentary that explores the numerous theories about the hidden meanings within Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining (1980). The film may be over 30 years old but it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments. Together they’ll draw the audience into a new maze, one with endless detours and dead ends, many ways in, but no way out.” Listen to Room 237 Soundtrack

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Room 237 Soundtrack List