
Sinister 2 Soundtrack List

Sinister 2 Soundtrack List Movie (2015) – Tracklist – Listen to full soundtrack songs, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, trailers songs, what songs and who sings them, including end credits. Sinister 2 Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: August 21, 2015 Below you can view the complete Sinister 2 Soundtrack list, score album tracklist

Original music composed by Tomandandy
1. It Begins
2. Gum Shoe
3. Groceries
4. Pins
5. Milo’s Place
6. Digging
7. Lap Top
8. Sleep Walk
9. Church
10. Spider
11. Photos
12. Like Kids
13. Same Deal
14. Rare
15. All Of You
16. Bae Bae Lille Lam – Paul Hackner
17. Red Dream
18. Zack
19. Dentist
20. Come Home
21. Dinner
22. Danger
23. Movie
24. Corn
25. Cut Down
26. Cat Mouse
27. Courtney
28. End Suite

Listen to all the full songs from the Sinister 2 score in a playlist
Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. Silence Teaches You How To Sing – Ulver
2. Can We Go Round Again – Patricia Ann Dickinson
3. Fragment #5 (2014 Remaster) – Accurst
4. Not Saved – Ulver
5. Cotton­‐Eyed Joe – Jordan Yaeger, Jason Gleed and Lauren Adams
6. The Corruptor – Simon Heath
7. A Stroll Through The Ancient City – Simon Heath
8. Fragment #9 (2014 Remaster) – Accurst
9. Upside of Down – Highway Down
10. Gyroscope – Boards of Canada Sinister 2 Film Information: Genre: Horror
Release date in USA: August 21, 2015 Director: Ciarán Foy
Writers: Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill
Stars: James Ransone, Shannyn Sossamon, Robert Daniel
Watch the trailer for Sinister 2

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The scene descriptions are also available for each song, in the list, if you click on the icon.
Scene descriptions. The songs are in the order of apperance:

1. Silence Teaches You How To Sing – Ulver

First scene of the movie. Dylan dreams of 3 people being burned while crucified.

2. Can We Go Round Again – Patricia Ann Dickinson

Plays in background, at the store, as Courtney and her two sons, Dylan and Zachery are out shopping.

3. Fragment #5 (2014 Remaster) – Accurst

First night Milo shows Dylan the Fishing Movie. This track plays at the pick up.

4. Not Saved – Ulver

Another night, up in the attic, the kids watch Emma's movie, the Christmas killings.

5. Cotton­‐Eyed Joe – Jordan Yaeger, Jason Gleed and Lauren Adams

Ex-Deputy So&So's ringtone. (Heard first time he's in the church)

6. The Corruptor – Simon Heath

Milo forces Dylan to watch another killing movie (Kitchen Remodel).

7. A Stroll Through The Ancient City – Simon Heath

Plays during Milo's movie (Sunday Service) as all the kids insist that Dylan'd see all the movies that night.

8. Fragment #9 (2014 Remaster) – Accurst

Plays during the Dentist movie, when Dylan walks in and sees Zack watching it with the other kids.

10. Gyroscope – Boards of Canada

Zack chaces the Ex-Deputy So&So, Courtney and his brother Dylan through the corn.
End credits, first song.

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Sinister 2 Soundtrack List