
Take Shelter Soundtrack List - Tracklist

Take Shelter Movie (2011) Soundtracks  List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture “Take Shelter” Soundtracks Information:
Audio CD (October 4, 2011)
Label: Milan Records
Official Release Date: September 27, 2011 “Take Shelter”  Complete Soundtrack List:
Music by David Wingo 1. Opening
2. Signing
3. Going To Work
4. Dog Attack
5. Dreams
6. Doghouse
7. Kidnap
8. Library
9. Under Siege
10. Take Shelter
11. Pills
12. Hallucination
13. Pumping Gas
14. Lightning
15. Building The Shelter
16. Medicating
17. Lion’s Club
18. Bird Attack
19. Storm Shelter
20. At The Beach
21. Shelter – Ben Nichols “Take Shelter”  Film Information: Plot: Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself. Genre: Drama
Director: Jeff Nichols
Writer: Jeff Nichols
Stars: Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain and Shea Whigham
Release Date: 30 September 2011 (USA) Below you can listen to “Take Shelter” Soundtracks samples :

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Take Shelter Soundtrack  List - Tracklist