
The Den Soundtrack List

The Den Soundtrack List Movie (2014) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. The Den Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: March 14, 2014 Below you can view the complete The Den Soundtrack list, album tracklist: 1. Also Sprach Zarathustra – Evan Goldman
2. Water Rose – Lendway
3. Summer Falls – Lendway
4. Love You Goodbye – Justin Levinson and The Valcours
5. The Melody Willl Connect the Chords – Adam Popick and Zach Donohue
6. Dance Your Heart Out – Adam Popick and Zach Donohue
7. Drink Coffee At Night – Adam Popick and Zach Donohue
8. Sit and Listen to Loud Music – Adam Popick and Zach Donohue
9. Videochat Frenzy – Adam Popick and Zach Donohue The Den Film Information: Genre: Horror | Thriller
Release date: March 14, 2014 Director: Zachary Donohue
Writers: Zachary Donohue, Lauren Thompson
Stars: Melanie Papalia, David Schlachtenhaufen, Matt Riedy Plot:
“A young woman studying the habits of webcam chat users from the apparent safety of her apartment witnesses a brutal murder online and is quickly immersed in a nightmare in which she and her loved ones are targeted for the same grisly fate as the first victim.”

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The Den Soundtrack List