
Unfriended Soundtrack List

Unfriended Soundtrack List Movie (2015) (Cybernatural) – Tracklist – Listen to Original Score and full soundtrack songs, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs playing in the movie, including end credits. Below you can view some of the songs from Unfriended Soundtrack list, album tracklist:
Soundtrack album list: 1. The Garden of Digital Insects – The 2VVO
2. Shadows – Scissor Haus
3. Fly – Zzara
4. Ghost in My Head – Scissor Haus
5. Mandala #0 – The 2VVO
6. Girl in the Dark – Zzara
7. The Garden of Digital Insects (Reprise) – The 2VVO Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. We On – B.Cooper
2. Forever – Rickie Page
3. How You Lie, Lie, Lie – Connie Conway
4. You Can’t Stop Me – Hayley Steele
5. Ghots In My Head – Eldar Tagiev, Tommy Simpson, Tiffany Wan
6. Swamped – Lacuna Coil
7. Lost Cities – Bandshes
8. I Hurt Too – Katie Herzig Unfriended Film Information: Genre: Horror, Thriller
Release date in USA: 17 April 2015 (USA)
Director: Levan Gabriadze (as Leo Gabriadze)
Writer: Nelson Greaves
Stars: Heather Sossaman, Matthew Bohrer, Courtney Halverson
Watch the trailer for Unfriended

Trailer songs (full tracks)
Trailer score (Official Trailer)

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  • why why why!! says:

    how come we can’t find you can’t stop me played anywhere? it was in the movie so it has to exist like the rest of these.

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Unfriended Soundtrack List