
Megan Hilty and Ensemble - Backwoods Barbie Soundtrack Lyrics

Megan Hilty and Ensemble – Backwoods Barbie Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “9 To 5” Musical (2009) ]  Doralee:
Now I’ve always been misunderstood
Because of how I look
Don’t judge me by the cover
Because I’m a real good book
So read into it what you will,
But see me as I am
The way I look is just
A country girl’s idea of glam. Now I grew up poor and ragged,
Just a simple country girl.
I wanted to be pretty
More than anything in the world,
Like barbie or the models
In the Frederick’s catalogue
From rags to wishes, in my dreams,
I could have it all. I’m just a backwoods barbie,
Too much make-up, too much hair.
Don’t be fooled by thinkin’ that
The goods are not all there.
Don’t let these false eyelashes
Lead you to believe
That I’m as shallow as I look,
Cause I run true and deep. I’m just a backwoods barbie,
in a push-up bra and heels.
I might look artificial;
But where it counts, I’m real.
Yes, I can see where I could be
Misjudged upon first glance
But even backwoods barbies
Deserves a second chance. All dolled up and hopin’
For a chance to prove my worth.
Cause even backwoods barbies
Get their feelings hurt. [Megan Hilty and Ensemble – Backwoods Barbie Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 9 To 5 Musical (2009)
Name "9 To 5" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Megan Hilty and Ensemble - Backwoods Barbie Soundtrack Lyrics

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