
Megan Hilty, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - Cowgirl's Revenge Soundtrack Lyrics

Megan Hilty, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – Cowgirl’s Revenge Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “9 To 5” Musical (2009) ]  Doralee:
Hart, get your buns in here and make it snappy! Well, I’m a Texas cowgirl,
Where’s my hat and rope?
Just like Annie Oakley
In a Wild West Rodeo.
This cowgirl’s gonna take revenge,
I aim to make you pay
For every ugly deed and every vulgar move you’ve made. I gotta little something for you. Hart:
Well, thank you, that’s very thoughtful. Doralee:
Well, go ahead, try it on. Let me see it on ya. Turn around. Hart:
Ms. Rhodes, I really… Doralee:
Oh, come on now.
I want ot admire the whole package, if you get my drift. Whew, you got some nice buns on ya, Frank! Hart:
Please don’t talk to me like that! Doralee:
I say when you got it, flaunt it! Hart:
Ms. Rhodes, I’m not that kind of boy! Doralee:
Get on back here and let me feel those pecs! Hart:
Ms. Rhodes, we’re running way behind here. Can we please just get back to business? Doralee:
Yippy-yi-ki-oh, with my lasso!?
I’m gonna rope you down!
Ladies and gentlemen, she’s got him down,
he’s down, he’s on the ground! Doralee & Ensemble:
Yippy-yi-ki-eye! Gonna tie you tight and wrap it ’round and ’round!
She’s tied him down, he can’t get up, she’s really got him bound! Hart:
Wait! Is it because I’m a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot? Doralee:
Darn tootin!
Time for you to fry! Doralee & Ensemble:
It’s ever cowgirl everywhere
That I’m here to Avenge
So simmer on that for a while,
It’s called cowgirl’s revenge.
Fry!!! [Megan Hilty, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – Cowgirl’s Revenge Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 9 To 5 Musical (2009)
Name "9 To 5" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Megan Hilty, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - Cowgirl's Revenge Soundtrack Lyrics

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